Have you ever looked around your class after completing writing assessments and been overwhelmed by the range of abilities? I anticipated a wide range of writing abilities and I was …
How to Understand Learning Styles: Its Not What You Think
A LOT has been said about learning styles, including by yours truly. It is essential to establish where they fit in the important discussion of differentiation and pedagogy as a …
6 Ways to be Using Positive Reinforcement in School
I love to see the quiet students come out of their shells and grow. Seeing them share their thoughts confidently is one of the great blessings of teaching in my …
Do Better Differentiated Instruction for ELL Students Now
Uncertainty and sleeplessness seems to be the cost of uncertainty for teachers. Are we doing our best for a student? Have we implemented the best strategies, or is there something …
Build Outstanding Classroom Community by Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom
Creating an inclusive classroom environment is essential for creating a culture of mutual respect and understanding between students. Celebrating diversity in the classroom helps build a classroom community in which …
The Best Classroom Management Strategies for Centers
The best classroom management strategies for centers of any kind is to create independent students. Independence occurs when students know what to do. Makes sense doesn’t it? So, if we …
Teacher Self-Care: The Best Social-Emotional Instruction Strategy for School
Do you want to know my super power for effective social-emotional instruction? I am an outdoor enthusiast, and that is a part of my teacher self-care instruction. 🥾 No Olympian; …
How To Be Using Parent-Teacher Communication To Build Classroom Community
Proactively building parent teacher communication can be a cornerstone of your success in building a strong classroom community. Just as positive communication builds a thriving classroom, positive parent-teacher communication can …
Proven Classroom Attention Getters For the Best Classroom Management
Not one, not two, but three teachers were watching me, kind of stunned by how I was just standing there with my hand in the air. There was no way, …
Do Writing Prompts Work? 4 Ways to Overcome Doubts
Do writing prompts work? When comparing Writer’s Workshop to using writing prompts in the classroom, the use of writing prompts was found to be the most effective of the two …
How to Differentiate Instruction with Social Emotional Learning
“I don’t have time to incorporate social-emotional learning activities. There is barely have time to differentiate math, reading, and writing.” I have been so excited to see the changes in …
What You Need to Know about Classroom Rules Posters
Did you know that I have a lead foot when driving? 🥴 Absolutely I do! And do you know how classroom rules posters are related to unsafe driving? Every time …
Energize Students Now: 4 Fun Ways to Learn Math Facts
Youtube Title: fun ways to learn essential math facts “Yay! My favourite part!!” We had so many fun ways to learn math facts that practising math facts was a joy …
5 Reasons Why Classroom Rules Are Important
Quietly I said, “Carpet choices please.”, and the student complied with a smile. Avoiding the opposite of this type of cheery compliance is why classroom rules are important. “Seriously?”, you …
How to Boost Classroom Organization Now in 8 Easy Steps
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just remember that from the outset. 😊 classroom organization doesn’t necessarily take a lot of time, but that time may be spread out. When I …
Skyrocket success: Learn Why is Classroom Organization Important?
Why is classroom organization important? Imagine a classroom where every student knows exactly what to do, where to find their materials, and how to transition smoothly between activities. A colleague …
Team ADHD: How to Empower Teachers in the Classroom
Eight minutes. I sat patiently with her, just the two of us, for eight minutes, and waited for her to rally her thoughts enough just to look at the page. …
How to Plan More Strategies for Differentiation for ADHD Students
I hate paper work! How about you? I ask because that is where my mind goes when I think of developing strategies for differentiation for ADHD students. In an earlier …
The Best Calming Activities for ADHD at School
Alice Cameron was teaching 12 students who were considered those with the greatest behavioural problems in their respective age groups in her school district. So much time was spent managing …
How to use Picture Books for ADHD in the Classroom
Embracing and understanding neurodiversity is essential to the success of building empathy. Building empathy through picture books for ADHD in the classroom is a powerful evidence based strategy The storylines …