Not one, not two, but three teachers were watching me, kind of stunned by how I was just standing there with my hand in the air. There was no way, …
Classroom Management
Do Writing Prompts Work? 4 Ways to Overcome Doubts
Do writing prompts work? When comparing Writer’s Workshop to using writing prompts in the classroom, the use of writing prompts was found to be the most effective of the two …
Team ADHD: How to Empower Teachers in the Classroom
Eight minutes. I sat patiently with her, just the two of us, for eight minutes, and waited for her to rally her thoughts enough just to look at the page. …
How to Plan More Strategies for Differentiation for ADHD Students
I hate paper work! How about you? I ask because that is where my mind goes when I think of developing strategies for differentiation for ADHD students. In an earlier …
The Best Calming Activities for ADHD at School
Alice Cameron was teaching 12 students who were considered those with the greatest behavioural problems in their respective age groups in her school district. So much time was spent managing …
How to use Picture Books for ADHD in the Classroom
Embracing and understanding neurodiversity is essential to the success of building empathy. Building empathy through picture books for ADHD in the classroom is a powerful evidence based strategy The storylines …
How to Add Inclusive Strategies for ADHD in the Classroom
All of the children are working together, focused and on task. 😊 Inclusive strategies for ADHD in the classroom remove chaos, and bring calm and community to your classroom. Building …
How to Manage ADHD Behavior in the Classroom
“Only: 5.3% of children globally are diagnosed with ADHD”. This is such a tiny number, certainly I don’t reeeeeeally have to think about it or know how to manage ADHD …
How to be Identifying Students with ADHD in Primary
ADHD affects 5.3% of children globally. Kind of. That is just an estimate, and low estimate, for us to keep in mind when identifying students with adhd in primary In …
Master Math Facts: The Best Easy Activities For Classroom Math
The debate rages on. Do students need to master math facts? Drum roll please 🥁. . . yes, students do need to master math facts. Research has identified that …
Teaching Tone Of Voice To Overcome Classroom Management Struggles
I loved the idea of teaching them, but why did they keep interrupting me when I was speaking? I had great plans for them, why weren’t they interested in what …
How to Make Your Teaching Tone and Voice Revive your Class Now!
“I just don’t have it. I have had the opportunity to watch all of the teachers, and I don’t have the posture, or the teaching tone and voice.” During covid …
Math Facts Colour by Code: How to Boost Impact Now!
Is it ethical, as a teacher, to waste an entire week (or maybe two!) on incorporating fun little seasonally themed math facts colour by code worksheets when we could be …
An Example of Classroom Philosophy: Make One in 5 Easy Steps
Philosophy of classroom management and discipline Imagine, you look around the classroom and the children are all engaged, on task, productive and content. This is an example of classroom philosophy …
Classroom Rewards: 5 Strong Reasons Why They Aren’t for Me
Classroom Rewards for Good Behavior I’m passionate about classroom rewards. More specifically classroom management without rewards. Stay with me! Hear me out. 😀 That may stir up a little bit …
7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Classroom Management Styles
Different Teachers with Similar Classroom Management Styles At the “end” of Covid, more accurately when we were brought back for ongoing in person instruction, a classroom assistant told me why …
What is Differentiated Instruction in Writing? How to Know.
Differentiation in Writing and your Classroom Management Plan Have you ever heard (or said yourself 😉) “But my students could never work quietly like that!”? Me too! 🥴. As teachers …
How to Jumpstart Writing: Embrace Differentiation in Instruction Now!
The Ease of Differentiation in Writing Workshop Why is differentiated instruction important in writing? Much as I love to teach math, and I do love to teach math, I find …
10 Amazing Back-to-School Activities: Make Memorable First Days
Hey there, teachers! With the first day of school approaching, are you feeling a mix of nerves and excitement? Are you looking for some fun back-to-school activities? Well, fear not, …
13 Transformative Classroom Management Techniques
What is Evidenced Based Classroom Management? I have mentioned in other blog posts, I looove classroom management. and I strongly believe that it is important to use research-based classroom management …