alt="Brunette woman with blue eyeglasses, in a pink and blue winter jacket outside in the snow as a personal introduction as Marian onto the Engaging Curiosity website about classroom management techniques"

Classroom Management Strategies for Teaching 

How long have you waited to see your passion for teaching take flight? Teaching had been my passion since I was a child.

Finally my dreams came true, and the day arrived.

But when the moment arrived I was just barely able to stay one step ahead of my fears.

The fear left me wrestling with teacher imposter syndrome.

Classroom management is the heart beat of successful, passionate teaching.

Why is classroom management important?

Classroom management creates the environment for your passion for teaching to be expressed, and it provides the structure and safety that enables your students to learn.

Classroom management is tough when you don’t know which tools and strategies are essential for success. Lacking success, left me to wrestle with imposter syndrome teacher mindset. 

alt="Large question mark comprised of books on a blackboard background, and it is surrounded by white symbols representing my feelings of teacher imposter syndrome and representing the questions teaching brings with it"
My head was swirling with questions because of my feelings of teacher imposter syndrome.

Teaching at last

When I started teaching a grade 1 and 2 class I was overwhelmed and unsure that I could succeed.

As a wife, mother of two, outdoor enthusiast and lifelong learner my days were spent trying to manage being one step ahead with my teaching planning.

My personal passions are family and outdoor fun, but I didn’t have the time or energy for my family or outside hobbies.

However, I had received years of extra training in evidence based classroom management strategies for teaching. 

As a homeschool parent and support teacher, and learning support teacher I had opportunities that other teachers haven.t

I persistently implemented evidence based classroom management strategies and tweaked my technique. Eventually I overcame my imposter syndrome.

Slowly I got 2 steps ahead of my fears. Then 3, then 4. Soon my fears were largely behind me, and my passion for teaching was finally being expressed.

Why is classroom management important for effective teaching?

You have gifts and talents to share, and you deserve the tools and support that will make you the teacher you want to be

Why is classroom management important? Because that is the vehicle that carries all the tools you need to be able to teach.

The beauty of evidence based classroom management for teaching is that research has shown it to be effective in many, many classrooms.

As I implemented what I had learned, I broke classroom management down to 5 essential pillars that provided the support for successful teaching.

Below are my pillars and some feedback from staff and students on how these pillars affected them:

  1. Classroom Expectations – From a student who found the structure of having clearly communicated and enforced classroom expectations stabilising, “Thank you for being kind. I appreciate how you make your class fun! You are always smiling and putting a smile on other people.”
  2. Classroom Community – From a quiet and reserved student, “You give me love in my heart. Your class makes love in my heart.” 
  3. Social Emotional Learning – From a colleague, “This is powerful learning for these kids.”
  4. Differentiation in instruction – From a student who had never liked math, “Thanks for giving us awesome math!”
  5. Classroom Routines and Procedures – From a retired teacher and grandparent, “Your students are amazing and know the schedule and procedures down to the last detail.  A true reflection of your wonderful teaching expertise.  We are so grateful you are his teacher again. He loves you and school. Oh, happy day!”
alt="Blackboard at the front of the primary classroom with alphabet and numbers in the background with a message for classroom routines and organization written on it that says Mindset is equal to attitude behaviour action leads to success to indicate the answer to what are classroom management strategies"
Implementing classroom management strategies created success for me as a teacher.

No longer feeling like one of the imposter syndrome teachers.

You will learn what are the best classroom management strategies,  and I will share ideas for resources to support those strategies.

Stop losing sleep over classroom chaos. You will never have to look back at teaching as something you couldn’t master.  

Sign up for my newsletter now to receive best practice classroom management strategies straight to your inbox, and reclaim your time.

alt="sage green background with a picture of my family as we head out to surg with text overlay, 'About to go surfing. This image illuminates the  truth that effective classroom management leaves time for life beyond teaching."
Family is everything to me, and by reclaiming my time I can hope for many more times like this ahead of me.
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